Zane Trace High School Threat Assessment Committee
The current high school threat assessment committee was organized at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. The committee meets once per month and/or when there is a suspected threat reported. The committee consists of the building principal, school counselor, school resource officer, and teachers. All members of the committee have to attend state required threat assessment training prior to joining the committee.
For reported suspected threatening behavior, the committee meets and reviews the Threat Assessment and Response Protocol, which consists of the School Threat Assessment Decision Tree, Threat Report, Interviews, and Findings.
2024-2025 Threat Report:
Threats on the school building: 0
Threats made towards individual students: 4
Threats made towards staff: 1
Total Identified Threats: 5
Threats made via the use of social media: 2
Threat Assessment Referrals: 1
Threat Assessment Decision Tree